Tao DENG Ph.D., Professor

Tel: 86-10-67855618
Email: tao.deng@ipbcams.ac.cn

Research interests:
  • Structural and functional analysis of the influenza virus RNA polymerase.
  • Molecular interactions between the host cell and influenza virus.
  • Role of non-coding RNAs in regulation of influenza virus replication.

  • Selected publications:
    • Wang J, Peng Y, Zhao L, Cao M, Hung T, Deng T: Influenza A virus utilizes a suboptimal Kozak sequence to fine-tune virus replication and host response. J Gen Virol 2015, 96(Pt 4):756-766.
    • Cao M, Wei C, Zhao L, Wang J, Jia Q, Wang X, Jin Q, Deng T: DnaJA1/Hsp40 is co-opted by influenza A virus to enhance its viral RNA polymerase activity. J Virol 2014, 88(24):14078-14089.
    • Zhou Z, Cao M, Guo Y, Zhao L, Wang J, Jia X, Li J, Wang C, Gabriel G, Xue Q, Yi Y, Cui S, Jin Q, Wang J, Deng T: Fragile X mental retardation protein stimulates ribonucleoprotein assembly of influenza A virus. Nat Commun 2014, 5:3259.
    • Dreger M, Leung BW, Brownlee GG, Deng T: A quantitative strategy to detect changes in accessibility of protein regions to chemical modification on heterodimerization. Protein Sci 2009, 18(7):1448-1458.
    • Chase G, Deng T, Fodor E, Leung BW, Mayer D, Schwemmle M, Brownlee G: Hsp90 inhibitors reduce influenza virus replication in cell culture. Virology 2008, 377(2):431-439.
    • Deng T, Sharps JL, Brownlee GG: Role of the influenza virus heterotrimeric RNA polymerase complex in the initiation of replication. J Gen Virol 2006, 87(Pt 11):3373-3377.
    • Deng T, Engelhardt OG, Thomas B, Akoulitchev AV, Brownlee GG, Fodor E: Role of ran binding protein 5 in nuclear import and assembly of the influenza virus RNA polymerase complex. J Virol 2006, 80(24):11911-11919.
    • Deng T, Vreede FT, Brownlee GG: Different de novo initiation strategies are used by influenza virus RNA polymerase on its cRNA and viral RNA promoters during viral RNA replication. J Virol 2006, 80(5):2337-2348.
    • Deng T, Sharps J, Fodor E, Brownlee GG: In vitro assembly of PB2 with a PB1-PA dimer supports a new model of assembly of influenza A virus polymerase subunits into a functional trimeric complex. J Virol 2005, 79(13):8669-8674.
    • Crow M, Deng T, Addley M, Brownlee GG: Mutational analysis of the influenza virus cRNA promoter and identification of nucleotides critical for replication. J Virol 2004, 78(12):6263-6270.

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