IPB publications - 2008

  • Xiang Z, Gonzalez R, Xie Z, Xiao Y, Chen L, Li Y, Liu C, Hu Y, Yao Y, Qian S, Geng R, Vernet G, Paranhos-Baccala G, Shen K, Jin Q, Wang J: Human rhinovirus group C infection in children with lower respiratory tract infection. Emerg Infect Dis 2008, 14(10):1665-1667.
  • Wei C, Peng J, Xiong Z, Yang J, Wang J, Jin Q: Subproteomic tools to increase genome annotation complexity. Proteomics 2008, 8(20):4209-4213.
  • Ren L, Gonzalez R, Xie Z, Zhang J, Liu C, Li J, Li Y, Wang Z, Kong X, Yao Y, Hu Y, Qian S, Geng R, Yang Y, Vernet G, Paranhos-Baccala G, Jin Q, Shen K, Wang J: WU and KI polyomavirus present in the respiratory tract of children, but not in immunocompetent adults. J Clin Virol 2008, 43(3):330-333.
  • Leng W, Liu T, Li R, Yang J, Wei C, Zhang W, Jin Q: Proteomic profile of dormant Trichophyton rubrum conidia. BMC Genomics 2008, 9:303.
  • He Y, Cheng J, Li J, Qi Z, Lu H, Dong M, Jiang S, Dai Q: Identification of a critical motif for the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 core structure: implications for designing novel anti-HIV fusion inhibitors. J Virol 2008, 82(13):6349-6358.
  • Zhang X, Shao Z, Zhu Y, Xu L, Xu X, Mayer LW, Xu J, Jin Q: Genetic characteristics of serogroup A meningococci circulating in China, 1956-2005. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008, 14(6):555-561.
  • He Y, Xiao Y, Song H, Liang Q, Ju D, Chen X, Lu H, Jing W, Jiang S, Zhang L: Design and evaluation of sifuvirtide, a novel HIV-1 fusion inhibitor. J Biol Chem 2008, 283(17):11126-11134.