IPB publications - 2009

  • Leng W, Liu T, Wang J, Li R, Jin Q: Expression dynamics of secreted protease genes in Trichophyton rubrum induced by key host's proteinaceous components. Med Mycol 2009, 47(7):759-765.
  • Yang J, Yang F, Huang F, Wang J, Jin Q: Subclinical infection with the novel Influenza A (H1N1) virus. Clin Infect Dis 2009, 49(10):1622-1623.
  • Ren L, Gonzalez R, Xiao Y, Xu X, Chen L, Vernet G, Paranhos-Baccala G, Jin Q, Wang J: Saffold cardiovirus in children with acute gastroenteritis, Beijing, China. Emerg Infect Dis 2009, 15(9):1509-1511.
  • Wu Z, Yang F, Zhao R, Zhao L, Guo D, Jin Q: Identification of small interfering RNAs which inhibit the replication of several Enterovirus 71 strains in China. J Virol Methods 2009, 159(2):233-238.
  • Chong H, Xu S, Zhang C, Nie J, Wang Y: Mutation L33M in the HR1 region of HIV-1 gp41 may play a role in T20 resistance. J Clin Virol 2009, 45(3):255-258.
  • Ren L, Gonzalez R, Wang Z, Xiang Z, Wang Y, Zhou H, Li J, Xiao Y, Yang Q, Zhang J, Chen L, Wang W, Li Y, Li T, Meng X, Zhang Y, Vernet G, Paranhos-Baccala G, Chen J, Jin Q, Wang J: Prevalence of human respiratory viruses in adults with acute respiratory tract infections in Beijing, 2005-2007. Clin Microbiol Infect 2009, 15(12):1146-1153.
  • Yang F, Ren L, Xiong Z, Li J, Xiao Y, Zhao R, He Y, Bu G, Zhou S, Wang J, Qi J: Enterovirus 71 outbreak in the People's Republic of China in 2008. J Clin Microbiol 2009, 47(7):2351-2352.
  • Gao L, Zhang L, Jin Q: Meta-analysis: prevalence of HIV infection and syphilis among MSM in China. Sex Transm Infect 2009, 85(5):354-358.
  • Yang L, Zhang X, Peng J, Zhu Y, Dong J, Xu J, Jin Q: Distribution of surface-protein variants of hyperinvasive meningococci in China. J Infect 2009, 58(5):358-367.
  • Zhang W, Yu L, Yang J, Wang L, Peng J, Jin Q: Transcriptional profiles of response to terbinafine in Trichophyton rubrum. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2009, 82(6):1123-1130.
  • Ren L, Gonzalez R, Xu X, Li J, Zhang J, Vernet G, Paranhos-Baccala G, Jin Q, Wang J: WU polyomavirus in fecal specimens of children with acute gastroenteritis, China. Emerg Infect Dis 2009, 15(1):134-135.
  • Xiong Z, Jiang Y, Qi D, Lu H, Yang F, Yang J, Chen L, Sun L, Xu X, Xue Y, Zhu Y, Jin Q: Complete genome sequence of the extremophilic Bacillus cereus strain Q1 with industrial applications. J Bacteriol 2009, 191(3):1120-1121.
  • Peng J, Yang J, Jin Q: The molecular evolutionary history of Shigella spp. and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. Infect Genet Evol 2009, 9(1):147-152.