
Compound category: Carboxylic acids and derivatives
(total 141 related compounds in database, current show from 1 to 10)
Compound name 2D structure Target pathogen(s) Related VF/VFcategory Max phase Reference(s)
Zosurabalpin Depiction based on curated SMILES NH 2 NH 2 N O OH N H N O N H S CH 3 N H O N H O Acinetobacter LPS Phase I trial Zampaloni C, et al. 2024. Nature; Pahil KS, et al. 2024. Nature; Que W, et al. 2024. Trends Mol Med
N-(2-{(2Z)-2-[1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl)-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-ylidene]hydrazinyl}-2-oxoethyl)pyridine-3-carboxamide Depiction based on curated SMILES O N O N H O O N N H N O Acinetobacter Regulation Preclinical (in vivo) Trebosc V, et al. 2022. Virulence
Auranofin Depiction based on curated SMILES + Au H 3 C O O H 3 C O O CH 3 O O _ S O CH 3 O O H 3 C H 3 C H 3 C P Clostridium CDT (Clostridium difficile toxin) Preclinical (in vivo) AbdelKhalek A, et al. 2019. Int J Antimicrob Agents; Hutton ML, et al. 2020. J Antimicrob Chemother; Abutaleb NS, et al. 2020. Sci Rep
(3R)-5-Oxo-6-(morpholinomethyl)-7-(1-naphthylmethyl)-8-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyridine-3beta-carboxylic acid lithium salt Depiction based on curated SMILES O _ O O N + Li N O H S Escherichia Type 1 fimbriae; P fimbriae Preclinical (in vivo) Pinkner JS, et al. 2006. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
(3R)-5-Oxo-6-(dimethylaminomethyl)-7-methyl-8-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyridine-3beta-carboxylic acid lithium salt Depiction based on curated SMILES CH 3 H 3 C N _ O O + Li S H N O CH 3 Escherichia Type 1 fimbriae; P fimbriae Preclinical (in vivo) Pinkner JS, et al. 2006. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
(3R)-5-Oxo-6-(morpholinomethyl)-7-(1-naphthylmethyl)-8-cyclopropyl-2,3-dihydro-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyridine-3beta-carboxylic acid lithium salt Depiction based on curated SMILES N O O N _ O O H S + Li Escherichia Type 1 fimbriae; P fimbriae Preclinical (in vivo) Pinkner JS, et al. 2006. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
11-chloro-12-isothiocyanato-3-oxo-N-[(3S)-2-oxooxolan-3-yl]dodecanamide Depiction based on curated SMILES N O O NH O S O Cl Pseudomonas Quorum sensing Preclinical (in vivo) Amara N, et al. 2016. Chembiochem
ITC-12 Depiction based on curated SMILES S N O O HN O O Pseudomonas Quorum sensing Preclinical (in vivo) Amara N, et al. 2016. Chembiochem
(internal name in literature)
Depiction based on curated SMILES N O O NH O S O F Pseudomonas Quorum sensing Preclinical (in vivo) Amara N, et al. 2016. Chembiochem
(internal name in literature)
Depiction based on curated SMILES N O O NH O S O Br Pseudomonas Quorum sensing Preclinical (in vivo) Amara N, et al. 2016. Chembiochem

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